Terms and Conditions
Wharariki Holiday Park Ltd t/a Wharariki Beach Holiday Park
Terms and Conditions
Website Usage
Information on this web site is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
While every effort has been made to provide the most accurate information we advise that Information on this web site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Wharariki Holiday Park Ltd t/a Wharariki Beach Holiday Park may at any time and without notice make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this information.
Wharariki Beach Holiday Park makes no representations whatsoever about any other web site which you may access through this one. When you access a non-Wharariki Beach Holiday Park web site, please understand that it is independent from Wharariki Beach Holiday Park, and that Wharariki Beach Holiday Park has no control over the content on that web site. In addition, a link to a non-Wharariki Beach Holiday Park web site does not mean that Wharariki Beach Holiday Park endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of such web site.
In no event will Wharariki Beach Holiday Park be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of this website, or on any other hyperlinked website, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
Holiday Park Management / Reasonable Conduct
We reserve the right to refuse a reservation at any time from any person if we reasonably believe the person:
is not the person named on the reservation
is not the person named on the credit card or not be authorized to use the card
is not able to pay for any additional charges
may cause damage to the property of the Park or other guests
may exhibit socially unacceptable behaviour
is younger than 18 years and not accompanied by a responsible person over that age
is concealing a dog or other unauthorized animal
We reserve the right to eject guests from the Park who are deemed by management to be behaving in a socially unacceptable way; causing damage; disturbing other guests; using unacceptable language or otherwise breaking Park Rules. No refund will be given and charges will apply for any damage caused.
Reservations / Online Booking
For terms and conditions relating to reservations and online booking please refer to the information available on our online booking system. The terms and conditions are viewable prior to payment being taken and must be accepted by checking a tick box in order to complete your reservation.
If your booking is for 6 or more months in advance PLEASE ensure your Credit Card expiry date is more than 12-18 months ahead of your booking. Expired cards cannot be refunded. This is a security precaution to safeguard your card being used by fraudsters.